Saturday, January 06, 2018

'Climate Changers' Change With the Weather : Flexibility is Key

Why is it that democrats are so much smarter then Republicans with it comes to the ability to make snap changes to their agenda and ideology. When circumstances change like what happens to the weather, climate changers on the move.

The democrats are so flexible that no matter what happens with the weather, they are ready to change with what ever the weather conditions are at the time to push forward their climate change ideology that will save our planet.

All that's needed is more research and therefore more money from taxpayers. That the past research over the last several decades and the 10's of $billions of dollars that have been spent, wasted, haven't proved anything other then a lot of brain dead voters keeping giving them money, the ''changers'' are still ready and willing to do the heaving lifting of more research to save everyone from death by drowning. 

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