Monday, January 15, 2018

The Truth About the Republican Party : The Party of The People(Video)

Again as we have stated many other occasions, it is about fear and loathing for anything or anyone that brings clarity to the narrative and ideology that is based on destructive hate alone to rule. Please explain how that works in a free and civilized society. But the progressive socialist democrats use it with success all the time.

Misinformation, deception and out right lies are the rules to gain power and power alone. It's all they have to offer. And given such a resume, why would anyone vote for a democrat other then they are totally dependent and subservient. What good reasons to vote democrat.

From Prager U 
When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? Abolishing slavery? Ending segregation and other Jim Crow laws? Giving women the franchise? If you’re like many Americans, none of these landmark accomplishments came to mind. Instead, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It’s an easy narrative for left-leaning media and academia to push, but the reality isn’t quite so convenient. Former Vanderbilt Professor of Political Science Carol Swain explains that the Republican Party was actually the party responsible for nearly every advancement for minorities and women in the history of the United States – and remains the champion of their equality to this day.

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