Saturday, January 20, 2018

Trump Didn't Believe Ogbjma's Job Anyalsis : "Jobs Aren't Coming Back" Trump : Bulls**t!

Trump say Barrrack's Jobs plan is bulls**t! I'll Fix it!! 
Barrrack's new wave transformation religious jihad was to once and for all reduce America  influence around the world so Iran could become the leader in the middle east and have influence else where to tip the scales of power.

Barrack Ogbjma made one thing very clear from the very beginning of his run for the Presidency. Barrrack did not like this country as it was founded.

Barrrack believed if could reduce America's power as a nation by reducing it's population to a mostly dependent subculture of capitulant survivors, he could control them much better, easier then having  to deal with a free people that act independently.

But, again as luck would have it, it's the turn of the card is always anticipated as a winner, and it was indeed a winner when the people decided Trump could fix this mess of criminals left behind by Barrrack. And he has.

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