Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Progressive Main Stream Media ; Clinically Insane

The media and the democrats are seen now as who they actually are.
When people talk about what's happening in the news media, the main stream media that is, the lettered channels on television and nearly all printed media, questions arise as to their collective capacity to perform tasks that normal humans are expected to do.

And you have to know it's not news, it's just a bunch progressive liberal disciples that lost control of their mental processes last November 8th when they were cast into the outer darkness where they were rendered powerless.

It happened in an instant, at 9pm,  November the 8th, 2016 when the results that were coming in that showed Hillary was losing. State after state going for Trump. The progressive socialist liberal democrats were so committed mentally to the fact they would win, but when they saw that they were actually losing their goal of continued power, the realization that they wouldn't be able to continue to rob and steal from taxpayers, something snapped in their diseased minds causing a mental break down that they will never recover from.

It truly is about clinical insanity. They are still the same people that they always were but only now they have come out shamelessly in public to demonstrate their collective lack of mental control.

Given all of this atrocious behavior on the part of nearly all the media, and all of the progressive democrats in congress, both local and nationally, why would anyone that is understood to be rational vote for a democrat? Any democrat?

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