Sunday, December 03, 2017

Progresssive Socialists Democrats Worry About Debt and Deficits : Why Now??

After watching Senator Chuck Schumer rail on about the GOP tax reform bill on the floor of the Senate last week, little is left to know that, Schumer as the leader of the Senate for the progressives socialist liberal democrats has left the station but forget to get on the train. 

His rant on the Republicans, the deficit and debt that will supposedly bring more of both if the tax reform bill is passed, which it did pass, will destroy life as we know it in our country. But some how 'ol Chuck, with out tears in his eyes has conveniently forgotten the past 8 years of ''The One'', ''Change you can believe in", ''I will change America fundamentally'' bringing total civil chaos and national decline in domestic and foreign policy, as well as more debt to us then anyone could of even fantasized about just a few decades ago.

But to worry, 'ol Chuck has used page 11 of the progressive socialist libveal democrat play book to explain how things are not as the seem but with us, the progressive democrats in charge we can solve Americas problems, not the evil Republicans that just want to hurt everyone.

The fact that the progressives had 8 years to do just that but failed spectacularly to deliver on their promises to the people is of little concern to Senator Schumer and Rep.Nancy Pelosi.

What is  happening now in our politics that democrats are very concerned and indeed frightening  is what the Republicans are doing is working and portends success for America in the future. This  in turn will harm the chances for socialist democrats to win elections as democrats can't lie about what the Republicans are doing because the people actually can see the results are positive.

So, if Republican succeed in their efforts to 'make America great again', this spells doom for liberal democrats. 

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