Saturday, December 16, 2017

Mr Mueller's 'Hypocritical' Oath Needs Vetting? : I Swear I Am Who I Am!

Sir, you and I know there isn't an obstruction of justice or collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians. We both know it was the FBI attacking the Podesta's server and then blaming it on the Russians, and then colluding with the Hilary campaign to unmask Trump and his campaign works, his family and his supporters of which Mr Mueller knew was happening at the time.

So the question most normal people have at this time is, exactly what is this all about Mr Mueller? It certainly looks like you and the FBI have colluded in the past and are doing so again. I believe that is a crime against the people of this great country, and moral and ethical crime under the law.
Is this Mueller 'hypocritical oath' that needs to be vetted?

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