Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Capital of Israel In Jerusalem : Barack And Friends Attack Trump

'Know the truth' and you will be demonized and hated. And this is way the democrats and Barack's religious jihad for middle east chaos and conflict is now being over turned.

The democrats are not nice people. They do not have the best interests of the American population at heart. Democrats see the population as tools to be used and abuse as necessary to get and keep power.

There cannot be any other reason for existence.

If in the process of taking power the population of America must suffer harm, too bad. It is all about them and their all consuming need to be in control.

Their hate for this nation as it was founded, individual freedom and liberty to pursue success and happiness, is total and what drives them to ''transform'' the country. As Barack stated he couldn't understand why the Constitution was written as to what the government 'cannot do', where as Barack believes it should say what the government 'can do' for the people. Big difference, especially with Barack at the levers of power and mind set of religious socialist liberal jihadist with an all powerful government in control.

Just think how that would have turned out with Hillary now in control and Barack at her right shoulder.

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