Sunday, December 10, 2017

Progressives March for Women : Biological Women Questioned

'We don't care what we said yesterday, this is today, and we demand today you do what we say now, because we are right and you are wrong or we will destroy you by force if you oppose us'.

'Women are who we say they are!'

It's all about the message, the narrative, the ideology no matter the logic. Shout, scream, hate and destroy.

Hate feeds on itself and must be continually fed ever increasingly more to be sustained.

Being positive and constructive is too difficult and time consuming.

For the progressive liberal to be successful in their endeavor to ''fundamentally'' change the direction of civil society, results must be immediate and dramatic. Trying to convince, having a debate with the population how socialist liberalism is better then individual freedom with common sense and logic is unproductive. The progressives believe rampaging through the streets burning cars and destroying private property is quicker and more effective

That's the message of the progressive socialists are sending to the nation. An agenda and ideology based solely on hate for anyone and or anything that does not conform.

This is a mental pathological neurosis that has come to the surface, long subdued and festering which was released by the assentation of Barack Ogbjma into the office of president. This sinister and deceitful interpretation of what America stands for, which burst into the main stream of civil society causing millions of ill-informed and misinformed individuals to become infected with the delusional and destructive disease of liberalism, has distorted, diminished and demeaned our nation.

Never ever again vote democrat!

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