Saturday, December 30, 2017

Al Gore Finds The Weather A Problem : Running But Can't Hide.

Al Gore say climate change will destroy the planet.
The frantic call came out from Al Gore last week when he got up last week and discovered that he has been iced in by a storm caused by Donald Trump and the Republicans that are denying climate change exists.

One could hear Al Gore loudly lament if only Trump had signed the Paris Agreement none of this would have happened.

Mr. Gore asked the assisting emergency personal after leasing him from his ice prison why so many people are so ignorant on what some scientists mostly agree on to be accepted proof that climate change if allowed to go unchecked will destroy us?

Mr Gore stated what could be more important to man kind then saving earth for future generations? Why is this so difficult for so many that are standing in the way of our(my) success? It's money verses survival? Tell me it isn't so.

Now all we need is just another 5 $billion tax dollars, or a little more this year to continue the necessary research to save the planet. The past $billions were spent on meaningful computer models that proved we need better models and much more desperate research to save mankind.

Viewing his boat after emergency crews chopped the ice from his door so he could escaped to freedom, Mr Gore it was said weep bitterly. 

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