Wednesday, October 25, 2017

When Ignorance Is Bliss : Why Bother to Be Wise?

It's called selective ignorance and ideology. As the saying goes and explains so much about the 'new wave' mentality of progressive socialist liberalism that are living the lie, "When ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise".

Making decisions about how things in life work or don't is difficult, especially when you are required to do so when it means your own survival in a civil society. Those that fall short rage in the streets demining answers. The misinformed, the ill-informed and the ignorant.

The good Lord told us the poor will always be with us, but he some how failed to mention the stupid will always be with us as well. And as we well know, or we should know, Jesus struggle in his day to, trying to convince his closest disciples of who was even when they witnessed Jesus raise even the dead back to life. It wasn't enough for many until his last days.

Go figure.

At what point does reality break through?

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