Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Boy Scouts Admit Girls With Gay Learders : Progressive Transformation

Is this the future of the Boy Scouts of America? Diversity?

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse and then it does. The destructive attacks on humanity by the progressive socialists liberals along with their friends, the feminists, and what will result will be catastrophic to our civil society.

The war on common sense and the nature of the human being is ramping up as, of all things the Boy Scouts are admitting girls to their ranks.

So adding girls to the ranks of an only boy organization, and then admitting gay scout leaders to the mix, this might be the consequence of political correctness and a willing agenda and ideology to ''fundamentally transform'' who and what we are.

Will the girl scouts start to admit boys to their ranks? Not likely. The Girl Scouts of America are not happy with this outcome of admitting girls to the ranks of boy scouts.

I believe it's time to start thinking about a new organization for boys that is based on logic and the building of responsible men in our society that is needed to secure our future as a nation. It appears the Boy Scouts of America have decided they no longer need to attend to the needs of boys.

By destroying the need to build character and responsibility in young boys will only reap disaster. As young adults, boys must learn how to deal with other boys in society so that when they become men, they will be able to function as responsible adults to accomplish their personal and community goals as adults.

Inclusion and diversity are okay, but first young boys and girls must know who the are and what is required to function as adults in civil society.

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