Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Electoral College Levels the Playing Field - The Founders Said Big Cities Cannot Rule.

When the lunatics rant about how Hillary won the popular vote in the last election, even the dullest politicos among us know that the big cities are always going to vote for the progressive socialist liberal democrats as this is where the ''jailers'' live and are responsible for handouts, subsides, the goodies to keep the prisoners obedient, subservient, capitulant, warm, fed and clothed.

The huddled masses of the big cities are single minded. Hands out looking for subsistence or their hands in other peoples pockets, stealing us blind. Never mind who they are that control the reigns of power, and what's left of the the tax dollars, just give us the free stuff.

Little wonder New Yoke City voters were 80%+ for Hillary. And What about Philadelphia? Los Angeles or San Francisco? With California having the largest population of illegalizes in the country and most have drivers licenses, I wonder how many voted for democrats?

How many millions of votes could that be? More then 3 million? Do yeah think? And Hillary only got 3 million more then Trump? hmmmmm - I wonder why she didn't 10 million more?

So given this bit of information that isn't news at all, but common knowledge, the founders of our country and the Constitution knew there had to be a system that treated everyone equally and not allow the mostly gullible rent-seeking mass population in the big cities to rule. 

It works!! Who Knew?

The Right Side of History: War on the Electoral College Shows That Progressives Don’t Care About Middle America
Jarrett Stepman / / Fred Lucas / /

The Right Side of History: War on the Electoral College Shows That Progressives Don’t Care About Middle America

“The Right Side of History” is a podcast dedicated to exploring current events through a historical lens and busting left-wing myths about figures and events of America’s past. 

On the inaugural episode, hosts Jarrett Stepman, a contributor to The Daily Signal, and Fred Lucas, The Daily Signal’s White House correspondent, discuss the recent calls to abolish the Electoral College and throw presidential elections to a national popular vote.

They are joined by Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Hans Von Spakovsky, who explains why the Founders created our electoral system and how the 2016 election actually shows that it works.

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