Saturday, October 21, 2017

Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein Are Sexual Icons : Girls and Women Targeted Is Okay?

Hey, have your heard, the progressive socialist liberal democrats find women easily duped, but they like them anyway as they vote for whom every they are told, no matter who or what they are.

Oh wait, maybe you haven't heard or seen anything dire about icons like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein, as the progressive socialist liberal media doesn't see this as a problem and news worthy. Sure they are predators, but come on, yeah they are bad guys, even Harvey has his defenders.

They are big donors and national leaders of the democrats. And what might be even the most revealing is the feminists have no problem with it, Have you seen any moral outrage from Lady GaGa, especially with Billy? Why is that?

What? democrats taking advantage of young girls and women? Well, maybe. But just say it anit so is enough!

They guys are famous for taking advantage of women. Just good fun!

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