Monday, March 28, 2016

Wisconsin's Supreme Court Race : What Is Reality & Common Sense?

The problem for Wisconsin voters in the Supreme Court race is content of on the job quality and production. Unfortunately Wisconsin has a nasty record of lock step voting when it comes to high profile contests. Wisconsin voted twice for Mr Ogbjma twice even in the face of overwhelming evidence he was not fit to lead.

The only saving grace here for common sense and logic to prevail is what happened in the recall election of Scott Walker where the voters actually did the right thing, shut down the recall by reelecting Walker and as a  result  the state has prospered.

But that was then and this is now, most Republican and Conservative voters will understand something that happened more then twenty years ago is not relevant to what has happened in to the court in recent history. But what is important, the Conservative judge running for reelection has a sterling record of accomplishments that have benefitted the state and the rule of law.

But the opposition to the incumbent judge, the liberal democrats, demand she must  drop out of the race due to her writings that were opinions twenty five years ago as a student, show a lack of sensitivity needed to be a supreme court judge. Her sterling accomplishments in recent history are of no consequence.

And the opposing judge supported by the liberals has a recent and historical record actually showing a lack of common sense, logic and sensitivity. Who knew?

Democrats Issue Identical Smear Press Releases
12:52 PM, Mar 23, 2016

Liberal Wisconsin Democrats are attempting to smear Rebecca Bradley’s campaign for WI State Supreme Court by issuing press releases that are nearly identical.  The press releases reference insensitive remarks that Bradley wrote as a young college student for her student newspaper nearly a quarter century ago. Bradley faces liberal judge JoAnne Kloppenburg in the election.

Though it’s unclear whether Fair Wisconsin is responsible for the press releases and pushing them to Wisconsin Democrats. It is no secret that One Wisconsin Now has been attacking Bradley’s record. Democrats have not voiced any opposition to One Wisconsin Now bringing up writings from nearly a quarter century ago, so to be consistent they should not object to Wisconsin Alliance for Reform examining the record of Kloppenburg.

Liberal WI Democrats Mark Pocan and JoCasta Zamarripa jumped at the chance to publicly bash WI Supreme Court Justice, Rebecca Bradley over material that she wrote for her student newspaper nearly twenty-five years ago. The titles of both press releases are nearly identical. Both press releases contain three paragraphs of identical content, with Pocan and Zamarripa claiming to say the exact same word-for-word personal statement about Rebecca Bradley. Observe how their talking points both copy each other verbatim.
“I wholeheartedly support this effort by Fair Wisconsin to expose these backers of hate-speech, as transparency is the only way to root out the dark money that continues to perpetuate anti-equality rhetoric to win votes.”

Clearly, either one is plagiarizing the other, or someone is giving them talking points. These press releases demonstrate that Pocan and Zamarripa are not articulating their original own ideas, but merely replicating information supplied to them by groups like Fair Wisconsin and One Wisconsin Now.

Bradley has publicly apologized on multiple occasions for her remarks as a college student. Liberal groups like Fair Wisconsin, One Wisconsin Now, and even JoAnne Kloppenburg have refused to accept her apology as sufficient or sincere. Kloppenburg herself has said what Bradley wrote nearly a quarter of a century ago is fair game, but in a recent candidate forum Kloppenburg insisted a statement she herself made 5 years ago as judicial candidate is old material that shouldn’t come up.

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