Friday, March 25, 2016

Moderate Muslims Are Not Terrorists : Where Are The Moderate Muslims?

There is a lot of talk in the media abut the moderate Muslims in America who just want to be left alone with their religion. But I can't remember ever seeing a demonstration by the 'moderate Muslims' marching down the street in any city holding signs saying radical Islam is "not who we are".

The fact of the matter is they fear being killed if they take a stand for what they believe.

The every day Muslim in America is not much different the any other American that lives in a community that is dominated by a ruthless gang. Special care in both communities  must be taken to watch what you say and to whom you say it. The consequences can be fatal.

Interesting thing here is for a religion of peace that forces the people to hide from their leaders doesn't exactly show the rest of the world, that is hiding as well from the religion of peace, that there isn't much hope for common sense to prevail.

The only course of action that this religion of peace, as defined by the leaders of Islamic jihad in America and around the world that professes death to all that deny Islam's rule, we have to understands if we are to survive this generational war, we have to be proactive, that is to kill them before the kill us. Any other course of action is a sign of a lack of will to push back in kind is a sign of weakness and fear. It is like throwing gasoline on a fire to the Islamic terrorists. The more they kill and the more horrific the killing is the more civilized population retreats.


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