Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Robin Hood or Prince of Thieves or Both?

Which is it? Given over the past 6 years we have found out the truth as many of us are living the results of our votes.

Unfortunately the damage is huge and the repair might take more then a generation. Worse even the consequences of voting twice for the 'prince of thieves' is seen by millions as a good thing.

Stealing from the productive to support a voter base that is unproductive is okay. That is as long as the support keeps coming, but when it stops the consequences will be a different story entirely. Hope and Change brought millions to their collective knees weeping for the "ONE".

What happened?

But not to worry, the maximum leader will be long gone enjoying the fruits of your labors in someplace warm and fulfilling of his well earned labors.

Don't you feel better now knowing all will turn out well for our supreme leader that brought so much healing for our country?

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