Sunday, March 09, 2014

Individual Rights to Choose : The Gay Community Wants More

Here are four cases of religious persecution by elements of the progressive liberal left, the lesbian and gay community, that believes they have the 'right' to demand what ever they want to legitimize their chosen way of life.  All others must accommodate their demands or be penalized by a justice system that has no connection to the Constitution of the United States and the first 10 amendments.

What has gone on here is a travesty of basic God given rights of a free enterprise and a free nation of individuals to choose their own destinies. Unfortunate too many among us are fearful of the riggers of freedom to speak and act within their own rights as citizens of a free nation As a result they acquiesces to the demands of a minority, the few ruling the majority.

What ever happened to the rights of all of those that don't agree with the demands of the few? They don't have rights? Where's the justice?  This is crazy!

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