Saturday, March 15, 2014

French Welfare State Collapsing : A Video of America's Future

Here is a video about the disaster of run-away welfare in France, and a stern warning that we are soon about to find ourselves in the same uncompromising position. As Edmond Burke said, "For tyranny to succeed will be for good men to do nothing".

How did this happen? How did we lose are way or why did we think if we all fell asleep and then upon wakening everything would be fixed? Is it the American way of things that no matter what happens, there will always be someone with their hand on the wheel to save us all. It's our history of exceptionalism that has always won the day for us. No matter how corrupt one of our controlling parties is, the next one will right the ship of state bringing us back on track for prosperity.

Our history shows this to be true, it has always been this way, until now. Now with Mr Obama and the progressive socialists, everything has changed.

Mr Obama has said on many occasions, American exceptionalism is nothing that any other nation on earth doesn't believe they have as well. American exceptionalism according to the progressives socialist democrats, is a thing of the past, what we need now is to just believe that reliance on an all powerful government to do all things for all people which will win the day.

The last six years of the Obama administration has set the course for our, Mr Obama word, "fundamental" change. "The change that I envision will take time", he told a congregation of union members, " I won't be able to do it right away but over time it will happen".

The progressives socialist democrats believe failure of this system will only come if those opposed to it stand in the way of it's successful implementation. The progressives believe the United State Constitution, as well as the first 10 amendments, are no longer viable in our changing society, and must be discarded for new thinking that will be a road map for a brave new world where everyone will be successful, where everyone will succeed "according to their needs and according abilities".

The question that remains is are we willing and able to step up to the plate and take a swing at recapturing our freedom from those that seem to be unstoppable in their quest of societal destruction?

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