Sunday, June 09, 2013

Progressive Socialists Moving Quickly for Control : The Shadow Government is Here

Political Cartoons by Jerry HolbertInteresting - it's not just the EPA that is going after the Tea Party and all Conservative and religious organizations, it virtually every government organization, including the FBI, have come together as a single force to attack the opposition to progressive socialist liberal Democrats?

I wonder if the progressive socialist believe they have to move as quickly as possible to take as much control of the country  before the 2014 elections in case they loose the Senate, and then the presidency in 2016?

Remember when George Bush was under attack from the 'shadow government'? Leaks about what the Bush administration was doing on the war on terror were coming from everywhere to the new media.

Is it just my imagination that the 'shadow government' isn't in the shadows any longer? Have half of the people of this country become 'enemies of the state'?

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