Sunday, June 16, 2013

Progressive Ideology Reorganizing : Democrats Transfer of Power

Political Cartoons by Ken CatalinoGet ready for the main stream press to step up the coverage of Hillary to take some of the heat off Berry. And just think how cool this will be knowing we only have three and a half years to go before the next presidential election.

The only way to stem this nightmare is to tune out the 'lettered channels', stop watching the cable news networks that have decided to be willing partners with the progressive socialists Democrat Party.

To believe that entire news organizations, TV and print media, other then FOX and the Wall Street Journal and a few others, could decide to promote an agenda that proposes the destruction of our way of life based on individual freedom, replacing it with centralized power coming from Washington, is enough to keep people awake at night, let alone watching the inauguration of Hillary in 2016.

Remember what the revolution was all about back in 1776? Taxation without representation - power from afar dictating outcomes on the people? Are you getting any of these similarities to our overreaching government coming from our betters in Washington today? 

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