Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Education Under attack : Muslim Jihad? ( A Video)

Here is a video by Brigitte Gabriel on the influence of the Muslims in our schools and how they are educating our kids to hate our country. And it's not just in our universities as most of us know are completely in the tank for the progressive socialist agenda, now it's in the middle school class room as well. It isn't a stretch to believe this agenda of Muslim influence can be found in class rooms in even the first and second grades.

Take a few minutes and watch this video and think about what is happening in our communities as related to how this education has produced the changes all around us that we don't understand. Americans find it nearly impossible to believe this kind of thing could happen to our beautiful country. The fact that we are under attack from external and  from within is very hard to understand for most of us.

We have been asleep at the wheel up to this point, and given what Mr Obama and his companions in the progressive socialist liberal Democrat party are doing to this country, in Mr Obama own words, to "fundamentally" change America from what he sees as the problem with this country, America being a free nation with individual rights under our Constitution. Mr Obama wants to change this into a nation of socialist tyranny, orchestrated by an elite few from Washington.

Believe this for what it is, to stay asleep while our nation falls into a nightmare from which we may never recover is to do so by design. We as voting citizens have to want this to happen, either from ignorance or compliancy doesn't matter, it will happen sooner then you know if we don't understand the peril we face. Much of the progressive agenda is already in place with ObamaCare and soon a new Immigration agenda that will assure Americas third world status. And with unemployment at better then 13%, U6 rate, this is only the beginning.

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