The question that remains is this a strategy of the progressives socialists to "fundamentally" change America? Is this what the progressives mean by 'fundamental' change? Destroy the very foundations of life in America by demonization of Christianity and the disintegration of the family structure as a means to the end of the country as founded 236 years ago?
Is it possible that a major political party in this country wants to actually destroy our way of life just for political gain? Really?
You decide what's happening and who is responsible for the chaos in our country - It's not difficult to understand when one considers who has had the reigns of power for the last five years. But at the same time, it isn't rocket science to understand who voted twice for the same people that brought on this nightmare in the first place. Worse, it's a majority of our citizens. – Miami’s Catholic archbishop, Thomas Wenski, said establishing “gay marriage” would corrupt the natural setting for rearing children by a mother and a father, and further spread “moral relativism,” one of the signs that democracy is “on its way to totalitarianism.”
The state has always recognized and favored heterosexual marriages “because such marriages best provide the optimal conditions for the raising of future generations of its citizens,” said Archbishop Wenski in an Apr. 24 homily at the Red Mass for the Miami Catholic Lawyers Guild. “And all honest social research as well as anecdotal evidence shows that children are ‘hard-wired’ to be best raised by a mother and father who are married to each other in a low conflict relationship.”
In other words, he said, “it’s about what’s best for children. Only in the marriage of a man and a woman can ‘two become one flesh’ (Genesis 2: 24) and thus create a conjugal society – or family – which provides that the individuals who give life to children should be the ones to raise them in a bonded and enduring relationship.”
The push for “so-called same-sex marriage, if it prevails,” said the archbishop, “will fundamentally change” the mother-father-children family and “open a Pandora’s Box of unforeseen and, to be sure, unintended consequences – as the more permissive no-fault divorce legislation did some 40 years ago.”
“[T]he proponents of so-called same-sex marriage would now redefine marriage for all as existing solely for the gratification of two (and why just two?) consenting adults,” said Abp. Wenski.
The archbishop, who represents 1.3 million Catholics in 118 churches in South Florida, said the push for same-sex marriage is just the logical consequence of the moral relativism found in Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, which “virtually establishes a new secular religion based on the ‘right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and the mystery of human life.’”
That is “moral relativism,” he said.
“When a democracy bases itself on moral relativism and when it considers every ethical principle or value to be negotiable (including every human being’s fundamental right to life), it is already, and in spite of its formal rules, on its way to totalitarianism,” said Abp. Wenski. “The might of right quickly becomes might makes right.”
In ending his homily, the archbishop noted that America’s founding fathers established a society upon a “vision of freedom” in accordance with “ordered liberties” that are evident in the natural order, such as the complementarity of man and woman, and the right of children to a mother and a father – in short, as he cited from the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident ….”
They are natural and obvious truths, said the archbishop, who called upon the legal experts and lawmakers in attendance at the Red Mass to remember the example of St. Thomas More, the patron saint of lawyers and politicians, who described himself as “the King’s good servant but God’s servant first.”
Archbishop Wenski also quoted a phrase from Abraham Lincoln to argue that gay marriage is a legal construct not based on reality: “If you call a tail a leg, then how many legs does a cow have? Four, because calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it one.”
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