Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Tuskegee Experiment Tragic : Rev Wright Infected

It seems the established Socialist Progressive left in this country will use anything at it's disposal to confuse and divide the country into waring camps. Divide and conquer - it works.

The Rev. Wright insanity, the implications of what he has said and the direct effect that it has had on a presidential candidate bodes darkly for this country. Barack Obama and his wife are converted members of the New Socialist Progressive Party.

The Reverend has used his pulpit to convince his members that all is rotten in America. Tuskegee is just one of the tools he has used to twist the truth to fit his own self serving agenda. If things are so bad, explain how he was able to move into a 1.4 million dollar home in a walled neighborhood. Whatz up with that?

What happened at Tuskegee is remarkable in that this is just one of many programs that used people like lab animals - is this the direct result of government controlled by socialist left? I don't know.

History since then shows many other government programs that have caused undue harm to the black community - One of the most noticeable is the welfare system, fostered by liberals, NSPP, that has caused many black families to fall into disarray -

As the author of this article points, out government is capable of anything if allowed free reign - which, for the most part, is due to so many voters that don't know what happens when they fall asleep at election time, and vote in the same people every year no matter what.

Wake up now and take control of your life - you can do this by keeping the faith because you know the battle is joined!

May 3, 2008 --

'BASED on this Tuskegee experiment . . . I believe our government is capable of doing anything.
"So said the Rev. Jeremiah Wright when asked if he stood by his claim that "the government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color.

"Whenever someone laments the fact that 10 percent to 33 percent of African-Americans believe the US government invented AIDS to kill blacks, someone will say, "That's not so crazy when you consider what happened at Tuskegee."But it is crazy - and dishonest.

Wright says the US government "purposely infected African-American men with syphilis." This is a lie, and no historian says otherwise. Yet, this untruth pops up routinely. What the US did at Tuskegee was indeed bad, very bad. But it didn't do what these people say it did. So what did happen?

In 1932, public-health researchers set out to study syphilis, particularly among African-Americans, who had higher infection rates than whites. They recruited 399 black men who already had syphilis. The doctors infected no one. The patients were selected because they were tertiary-stage syphilitics who were no longer contagious.

The researchers studied the progress of the disease, without treating it, for 40 years.Prior to the availability of penicillin in the '40s and '50s, the researchers couldn't have treated the men. Even after standardized penicillin treatments were available, it wasn't clear that the patients could have been helped.

Among scholars who've studied Tuskegee, there's a lot of debate about how much - if any - racism was involved. But no one disputes that Tuskegee had nothing to do with genocide or even a desire to spread the disease among the black population. What was bad about the Tuskegee experiment was a callous disregard for the patients' humanity. They were told they were getting "treatments" when they were merely being studied. This is even more offensive today, now that we have modern legal and ethical rules about informed consent - rules that did not exist when the study was launched. Yet it was still wrong.

But the idea that the Tuskegee experiment somehow validates the deranged, paranoid view that the US government created AIDS to murder African-Americans is a maelstrom of mendacity. Yet, I've lost count of how many times I've heard guilt-ridden white liberals say exactly that.

Well, as a conservative, I have no problem with distrusting government, nor can I fault the descendants of slaves or the victims of Jim Crow for distrusting government more than most. But why blacks remain the most reliable voters for the party of ever-expanding government power is a mystery.

It's worth noting that the Tuskegee study, launched under the New Deal, was symptomatic of arrogant liberal government.The study "emerged out of a liberal progressive public-health movement concerned about the health and well-being of the African-American population," writes University of Chicago professor Richard Schweder. He adds: "The study was done with the full knowledge, endorsement and participation of African-American medical professionals, hospitals and research institutes.

"Liberals like to invoke Tuskegee as if it's solely an indictment of what other people did, proof that we need more progressive government. But Tuskegee was in fact the poisoned fruit of progressive government.

A sick irony is that Wright's lies make it more difficult for government to do the job these people want it to do, starting with helping people with AIDS. But that's only one of many reasons they should be ashamed.

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