Thursday, May 15, 2008

Liberals - NSPP - Deny Truth on Taxes

We here every day how the rich are the bad guys but who pays the most taxes - if the liberal Democrats have their way, you and I will pay most of the taxes -

And, if this isn't enough for you, why not ask who the rich are - 60% of the really rich are Democrats - if we tax them more they will just pass the increase on to us - we will pay on the front end and on the back end - hmmmm

Hold on to your wallets people - the NSPP is coming for you - keep the faith, but know the battle is joined! deny

Source: IRS Statistics of Income Bulletin, Winter 2008

Comparing 1995 to 2005, here are some conclusions we can draw:

First, the rich are increasing their share of the country’s total income. For example, from 1995 to 2005, the top 5% of taxpayers increased their share of the total income of all taxpayers from 28.8% to 35.8%.

Second, the rich are paying a growing share of the country’s total income taxes. For example, from 1995 to 2005, the top 5% of taxpayers increased their share of the country’s total income taxes paid from 48.9% to 59.7%.

Third, the rich pay a proportionately higher percentage of their income in taxes. For example, in 2005, the top 1% of taxpayers accounted for 21.2% of the total income and they paid 39.4% of the country’s total income taxes. By contrast, the bottom 50% of all taxpayers accounted for 12.8% of the total income and they paid 3.1% of the country’s total income taxes.

The data shows the progressive nature of our tax system in which wealthier people pay a proportionately higher percentage of their income in taxes. With this being an election year, the country’s tax policies will likely be a key debate item. As a result, don’t be surprised to see some changes over the next four years.

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