Thursday, May 29, 2008

Roads to Manufacturing Success Blocked by Iron Age Unions

I have always thought that when push came to shove in the auto industry, and else where, where hard times that threaten corporations, the unions would decide it was time to become part of the solution rather than continue to be part of the problem.

Look at what is happening with the auto industry in today's market. I have to admit I was wrong. They seem unable to give up past glories of absolute power and domination of this industry. And it isn't just the unions fault, I fault the industry as well because they let them get away with it for so long.

Now when unions and management have to come to grips with catastrophic problems of survival of the industry itself, the unions find it almost impossible to relinquish that past dominance. The newest contracts show some signs of change but I fear it is too little and too late.

This video shows just what industry is doing to move forward, that is, innovate to compete in a very competitive market. As you might guess, the unions are left out of the innovation - all the jobs that could have been for the American workers are now being done by someone else. Nonunion works - just who is cutting who's throat?

The socialist politicians will blame big industry for moving out of this country, 'just for profit', and the Marxist media will trumpet the news as 'more jobs lost as companies move overseas' but will leave out the root cause of the problem, union failures to come to grips with modern realities.

Remember the Marxist slogan from the old Soviet Union, 'a worker paradise'? Just why do the socialist politicians in this country think such a failed system will work here? This is proof that it can't.

Unions have to come to grips with reality; nothing is static, all things are dynamic; change with the times or be left behind to die on the vine of failure. The future holds no hope for obsolesces.

Work hard and innovate while keeping the faith, you will show others that the battle for success is joined!

The auto industry moves off shore for SUCCESS

The last sentence in the narration says it all. * **This is a video of a new Ford plant in Camacari, Brazil. One look at this and each of you will instantly be able to tell what is wrong with the manufacturing plants of the US car makers and why there will probably never be another one built in the US. It will also point out why more will go off shore. *

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