Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What Really Happened in Haditha?

Everyone in the 'drive-by media' wants this story to be true - what a field day they would have grouping all of the American soldiers in one bunch as killers of innocents. I speak in the future tense but I should be using in the present.

The Marxist media and their goons in the senate have already condemned the Marines. They don't care if it's true or not, they just want the spot light to shine on them as they shove the knife into the heart of the American soldiers and give it twist to make sure they get the full effect.

It's hate for America that drives them and it's hate for freedom and democracy that sustains them.

It's no wonder that when something like the Haditha incident hits the news media and the senate elites agenda, and since the American soldier is the very heart of freedom and democracy, that the Marxist left Democrats would use it to try and crush the American spirit.

I expected no less from these butchers of democracy and they didn't let me down. Their treachery is only surpassed by their ignorance and boundless greed for power. Traitors all.

A startling perspective on Haditha

Andrew Walden on FrontPageMag.com has a detailed discussion of the mores in Iraq about testimony in trials and the role of blood money in Iraqi culture. He uses as an example a murder trial against several British troops that simply fell apart in court as witness after witness admitted tomaking up their story for blood money payments. Blood money sounds like a violent term, but it is a conflict resolution device in the tribal cultures in the Middle East. The practice is discussed in the Hadith, which is the record of the acts of the Prophet. From the article:

The British Ministry of Defense spent the equivalent of about $18 million on the investigation and the trial which collapsed in November, 2005—29 months after the initial incident. The Haditha charges could also collapse, but not until the media and politicians have enjoyed months of free reign to slander US combat troops’ conduct in Iraq. This could be very demoralizing to US troops who may feel their combat operations will be dissected under a microscope by investigators who do not share their risk. If the British case is a model then the investigation will be followed by a trial which could drag out until early 2008. Investigators must to dig out the truth so the sacrifices made by our troops in Iraq are not swept away in a sea of lies.

This is a detailed and well-documented article that provides a great deal of information and perspective. Read the whole thing.

Greg Richards 6 6 06

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