Friday, June 02, 2006

Al Gore Can't Hide True Colors

I find it impossible to believe that anyone would find any good about Al Gore. He is no different now then he was back in 2001 when he lost the presidential election. He is still willing to say and do anything to gain power. He is totally devoid of a moral code. He has no conscience.

The speeches that he gives reveals his true colors. He takes great delight in tearing down America on all occasions whether here in the United States or in foreign countries. If you recall this is the same thing that his former boss Bill Clinton has been up to.

Gore is part and parcel a liberal left socialist. To describe him otherwise would be doing this country a disservice. The media will cover for Al Gore in this run for President as they did the last time.

The media and Al Gore have a lot in common - they both know no limits on sacrificing others for their own ambitions.

( excerpt from AT )

Al Gore and the Limits of Recycling.

Have you noticed the drive-by media’s blossoming love affair with Al Gore? Like so many springtime infatuations, this one is likely to end badly.

Faced with polls indicating Hillary’s un-electability in 2008, and fearful of her energizing effects on the Republican base, the dive-by media is scrambling to find a viable Democratic Party’s presidential candidate. And in desperation, they have set their sights on Gore.

Interspersed with salting the wound of Haditha, the antique media is trotting out pictures of Al Gore in turtlenecks. It is pushing him as a wise, thoughtful statesman. Footage of Gore speaking calmly—instead of screeching to MoveOn zealots—now floods the Sunday talk shows.

Old Media enthusiastically praises his alarmist, agitprop film on global warming, and that issue commands the cover of Time Magazine and the pages of the New York Times.

Yes, the drive by media is deeply, desperately in love with Albert Gore Jr.

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