Sunday, June 04, 2006

Biking in the Country on a Warm Day

I had a great ride today with a club from the city of Madison, WI. The Boom Bay Bicycle Club does a great job of organizing these things.

It was a perfect day with the temperature in the mid seventies and the wind blowing out of the northwest at about ten miles an hour. In other words, we had a cool breeze and a warm sun for this fantastic ride in the country side.

I am always looking for the perfect riding weather and today I found it - we rode 60 miles and climbed about every hill in western Dane County. Still, it was fun and the people that were on the ride were all in high spirits, which accounts for the fast start and I got dropped after the first half hour. My ride with four guys with abilities close to mine, lasted a little less than four hours.

A beautiful and delightful experience.

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