Monday, June 12, 2006

More Lies from the Media

The Marxist news media is on a role - any opportunity to plunge the knife deeper into the heart of America is seen a one step closer to the eventual defeat of out system.

In reality, they are just pulling the dirt in after themselves every time they try to deceive the people of this great country. We know what they are doing and we won't let them get away with it.

Back dated video?

Press accounts of a graphic video of three Shia militiamen being beheaded indicate that it was made and distributed after the successful airstrike on Zarqawi.

The implication being that his death changes nothing, that the violence will continue. Actually, the tape was made and distributed on June 7, but what's a few days difference when you're propagandizing, not reporting?

Clarice Feldman 6 11 06

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