Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Holy smokes - the loopy left is in full flow - I never dreamed that one person could be responsible for everything that has gone wrong in this country. From the weather to city and state corruption and from one mad hatter, " remember mad cow disease?" Heh - Oh, don't for get Coni's 1000 dollar shoes!

I thought that I would really get up set by all this, but it has become just another day of those that have been cast into the outer darkness ranting about their plight.

What I do feel bad about is that George Bush has to take this crap day in and day out and not fire it back. Just think how this would cut someone that knows he is doing the right thing, and most everyone knows it as well, including the lamestream media, but won't and can't say so, to have to stand up each day and proclaim that what is being done is all that could have been done, under the present circumstances, no matter what others think, in hind sight, should have been done and then get hammered for it.

Isn't it interesting that we don't hear anything about what happened in Alabama, Mississippi or Georgia. The Lamestream Media isn't interested in states that knew what to do in an emergency. The media knew instinctively that they couldn't use them to go after Bush. So the next best thing to do, then, is use the incompetence of the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana, both Democrats, both heavy into entitlements and corruption, as a stick to bash George Bush. A media smoke screen to protect their own.

One Louisiana senator on national television proclaimed that if President Bush even tried to blame the local authorities for any of this mess, she would physical punch him out. By the way that's a felony to even threaten the President of the United States with violence. Of course this time it's a liberal Democrat, so it okay. The media gave her a pass. And It's standard procedure if the President is Republican.

It's easy to understand where she is coming from, most of the corrupt politicians that she is protecting are the ones that put her in office. Make sense to me. Follow the money.

To do this, lie about what really happen, one must shout real loud and long to divert the attention of the people away from the glaring errors of those in charge to someone that can't fight dirty or fight back. As the saying goes, if you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, it will become the truth. I don't think it's working.

The internet has the complete emergency evacuation procedure plan that the mayor of New Orleans had in his possession before the hurricane struck but was never implemented. Two days before the storm struck, President Bush called the governor pleading for her to make it mandatory that everyone leave the city now. She did that, after some speculation about how that would work. The mayor went on television and made the announcement but never implemented the evacuation plan for all of those that had no transportation out of the city. The rest is old news.

I believe the people are not falling for the lie like they use to. I believe that the Marxist left has used this stick so often and failed at it so many times that it is becoming like the leaky faucet that drips, it's annoying but you put up with it until you can find a way to fix it once and for all, - heh - election day! The puppet masters coming to Jesus experience. The left hates the Christians - all the better - heh

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