Sunday, September 04, 2005

The carping from the left is worse than I thought - they are in some kind of frenzy that has not been reached since they thought they had Carl Rove by the short hairs - It's like the Katrina, a force that blows so hard that it encompasses everything in it path.

Bush is responsible for the gas prices that are out of control, riots in New Orleans, flooding in the city and poor neighbor hoods, racism and anything else that one dream up. They feel they have the perfect opportunity to attack because he is busy with the clean up and the war.

Again, the liberal left's hate for the man has no bounds. Lies and deception are tools that can be used legitimately because their cause is so firmly implanted in there small brains. They have no proof of anything, of course, but that is not a problem and never has been. The facts about the poor preparation and city facilities that where inadequate means nothing.

If the lie seems right, than it must be true.

Many people are starting to worry that the President is not defending himself or his administration against the attacks for the wacko left. What do you say to the general public that would make sense trying to defend your self against the accusation that he waited before he sent in troops to help the flood victims because most of them are black and he wanted them dead.

To remain silent is not the answer either, but what is the appropriate response? The left does not care what the circumstances are, or where, in Louisiana before the storm or after or how long it should take for the army to respond to a disaster of this magnitude. The Marxist left see a chance to attack the President and the government where it will do the most harm. They want to destroy him and the is country's way of life.

They want to have it all the way it used to be when Bubba was President - no worries about anything because Clinton made sure that no matter what came up, he ignored it. Consequences of this strategy, September 11, 2001!!! But it doesn't matter, their rage is uncompromising, Unbalanced and unhinged. There rage has driven them insane.

I strongly believe that President Bush should go on nation wide television and explain the sequence of events that took place before and after the storm. He needs to tell his side of the story so, we the people, can make up our own minds as to what actually happened.

The main stream media is not the answer. They are a lost cause - they are driven by many of the same insane tendencies that have afflicted the left's mad dash to destruction.

I believe that the President acted appropriately and in a timely manner. I believe that the cause of this disaster lies at the feet of the mayor of the city of New Orleans and governor Blanco. Let the chips fall where they may -

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