Saturday, September 10, 2005

Doom and Gloom - that is what we have on the national front - the media has found a crack in the right side of the ship of state and has proceeded to drive a wedge into it as fast as it can. I still believe that a majority of the public thinks that the US government did what it had to and in a timely manner to rescue the populace form destruction.

The polls that have just come out indicate that President Bush's job rating on the hurricane has fallen below forty percent - how is it possible that he would be to blame if he wasn't even there! Where is the logic? How could he have forced FEMA to act any faster than 72 hours when the people in charge, the governor and mayor who where on the scene, had no idea of what was happening and what to do about the things that they did know about.

The primary or first response to any disaster has to come from the local authorities. When President Bush called Blanco on Saturday before the Storm and pleaded with her to get the people out of the city and Blanco said she would get back to him in 24 hours. She never asked for assistance and she never alerted the National Guard to be ready to take over the city. The mayor gave the word to evacuate and about 80% hit the high ways in all directions. The rest decided to stay or they had no way to leave. This included the older citizens in nursing homes and hospitals. Was this FEMA job? Was this the responsibility of the federal government?

Just where does the responsibility of the federal government begin? Shouldn't the people on the scene take some responsibility for the disaster that unfolded right under their noses. FEMA had a Navy ship, the Bataan, on the scene just after the levee broke so that was on Monday just after the Storm broke. They were positioned there by FEMA and working 24/7 with helicopters and medical crews for the sick and injured. The Red Cross was there on Monday to help all the people at the Superdome but were denied access to these people with food and water by state officials.

Within 72 hours, the military, National Guard, was on the move in several near by states as well as many private organizations. How is it that President Bush is responsible for the actions of Louisiana officials or other government officers that supposedly didn't perform as well as the critics, in hind sight, thought they should? Just who are the critics? What expertise do they bring to the job of emergency planning and execution?

Isn't it curious that when four hurricanes hit Florida one after the other, everyone said FEMA did a good job. Florida, of course was ready and was organized as was Alabama and Mississippi for Katrina. No one is talking about that. It's as though the storm never hit those states at all.

The main theme here is that the left sees a chance to play the race card because so many black people were left behind by mayor Nagin. He had the buses but they never turned a wheel. He is black and he didn't care. He wanted someone else to do the job while he played hero in front of the cameras screaming for Gray Hound buses.

I find this whole sorted affair very disturbing. While so many people are struggling to survival and facing such an uncertain future, we have such a large group of people that are will to ignore all of the suffering to attack the President. They, the lamestream media and their puppet masters, do not care. I have said several times before and I will say it again, the left will stop at nothing. The Senators, the Congressmen, the media, the Hollywood actors all clamoring for the spot light to rant their hate for man in the Washington.

And the worst thing is it's about nothing that is important. It's not about the economy or jobs or even about the war, it's about hate. It's about an insane grab for power. It's about being left with only your self to blame for failure. The left feels that the more they can destroy the better they will feel, but the appetite more hate only grows stronger with every attack on those that have succeeded.

The left have been cast out into the outer darkness where they snarl and snap at anything that moves, always waiting for just the right moment to pounce on some unsuspecting victim and devour them. But they always find that the cold can not be deminished with more viscous attacks. They have found that hate will not warm them out there no matter how hard they try and they will nash their teeth in bitter anger knowing that they will be there for a very long time.

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