Saturday, June 01, 2024

The Riot In Wisconsin Against Act 10 in 2011 Was The Worst Ever!

Today, the Marxist liberated democraaats are at it again, but this time it's for all the marbles, motivated by the communist ideology of the few ruling the many. They believe it now or never as Trump just might win in November1 Then all bets are off. 

The only alternative then will be to riot, loot, burn and kill everything left in a civil society. Remember the BLM riots? Two $billion in damages, 11 hundred police injured and 25 dead citizens? Nothing to see here! No arrest and no jail time.

The riot at the capital of Wisconsin, Madison was a week's long affair costing the state's taxpayers more than $7 million dollars damages to the capital and police wages.

They broke windows to get in and destroyed bathrooms, littered the floors with garbage and threatened working legislators with death. Hey, remember the democraaats left town traveling to Illionois for weeks?

But the media said nothing was wrong here, just people demonstrating their opposition the Governor Scott Walkes attempt to level the playing field between the unions and taxpayers!

As the saying goes, ''For tyranny to succeed, all it takes is for good people to do nothing''!

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