Friday, June 07, 2024

We Have The Opportunity to Make It right! : Failing This IS Not An Option!

 The criminal democraaats in New York that are destroying our justice system seem to have no concern about how it will affect them as well. The most important thing right now is making sure they don't lose the power for control to Donald Trump who promised to free the people from the clutches of the communists.

If Donald wins in November, everything changes for the democraaats who have designs on Barrrack's ''fundamental change to America'' he promised back in 2008. He said he  couldn't do it all at once, it will take time and the right actors in place.

Well, he has the right actor, Joe Biiyden, the perfect puppet to do Barrrack's will and install the changes needed to make America a socialist state. So far, it's working to perfection!

The courts in New York and elsewhere are corrupt to a point
where no one is safe from their reach. Marxists, communists
are on the move against our Constitution and its most 
important rule of law, the individual freedom to choose!

Justice is truly blind and the pain the  democraaat are inflecting
on her not good. She has limits to what she can tolerate. We
all hope she can last another 5 months.

The solution to criminal activity is profound in its simplicity. Vote
like you really want to live free!

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