Monday, June 24, 2024

Separate But Equal? Feminism Is Dead!

 And maybe it's as with race, ethnicity, religion and or now male or female, the Marxist liberated democraaats have to maintain hate between these groups to fulfill their mandate, their birthright to and for the absolute power for control. 

There can be no other solution for control but to keep the pressure on these groups to hate each other even when they don't. The ramping up of government inference in the public discourse using tax funded agencies and departments like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, the Department of Justice, the DOJ to increase the divide is the agenda and ideology of the Marxist liberated democraaats, the communists.

Thank God though the tide is changing as the general public is becoming aware of the intent of the democraaats as the economy and domestic policies are driving the voters into a commonsense awareness of the risks of a total failure of our country.

Hope does spring eternal for a voter revolution in November.

Without hate the Marxist democraaats have no other
issue to run on as the scream and point to that this is
 what the Republicans are doing but the people aren't
fooled as much as before, they see and understand.

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