Thursday, June 13, 2024

Pay No Attention to Your Empty Stomach! : Vote democraaat!!

 ''Food?? We don't need no stinkin' food!!'' In the latest poll on grocery prices, consumers, the adults, say they are skipping one meal a day so there will be enough food for the family. So why all the hubbub about food prices?

As the latest figures say, food prices have rocketed up again to over 20% from just a year and a half ago. The trend now is to rise each month with no end in sight.

History says the chance of them going down again is not going to happen any time soon if ever. 

The democraaats are running a new ad about the population is too fat, so losing some weight is a good thing. The ad ends with a musical jingle touting democraaats are about the people's best options!

Alway vote for less of everything, it's better than having too much of a good thing!! Vote democraaat! Your future is mostly about a shallow grave alongside the road for you and your family. Once you get use to the idea that there aren't any other future options, it actually won't look so bad!

To make sure inflation remains on the rise, always
vote democraaat! Hey, you need to lose weight
anyway, right?

''Do you vote democraaat?'' ''Oh yes! Always!' And we have been
skipping meals so the kids will have enough to eat!''

''Trust us! We have your back!!''

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