Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Quick - Run and Hide!! : Bixxden Is Coming For You!! Your Life and Liberty!!

 The Marist democraaats want what we all have as America's, individual freedom, something they don't have or understand. But they don't care about your freedom, they exist in a communist collective. For the Marist democraaats it's all about taking from others by force of arms and then what every you have left is found to be dangerous to them and therefore must be taken as well.

democraaat call it the new world order. Like it or die!

Oh wait, you won't comply? You are under arrest, jailed and fined!! Maybe even worse, you slipped on the stairs while resisting arrest, oops!! 

Hey, you voted for this, right? The democraaats taking power wasn't a fraud, there wasn't any cheating, right? democraaats don't cheat! They aren't criminals! Lawless thugs! Just good democraaat politicians and university professors!!!

He's not just the worst president in our history but one of the worst people in world history!!

He wants what you have and if you don't give it up he
will send his fascist troopers to kick in your door
and take it!! Joe says ''It's against the law but I don't 

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