Friday, September 24, 2021

Military Leader Explains Why He Is Taking A Stand For Freedom : Col. Scheller! (Video)

 This video was published a few days ago by Lt Col Scheller, his decision explaining why he is not on board with the socialists in our government. This agenda puts the nation is at risk from those that want to destory our civil society based on individual freedom. (They are Marxist socialists, communists.)

 And what better way then to dissolve the military as a functioning unit that is tasked to protect the nation from it's enemies. And isn't interesting that that the Marxist democraaat blame 'White supremist'', Trump voters as domestic terrorists when it's really the democraaats doing the damage to our national security and our great country.(When democraaat blame others for criminal acts, it's always the democraaat' s agenda projecting their actions by blaming others!)

 The question still remains is why? How will destroying the military help them to take total power from the people? Are they afraid the military will turn on them?? Is it for the same reason the Marxists want to disarm the population?

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