Saturday, August 21, 2021

Gas Prices Going Up? dah! : Who Cares!? I Don't Drive A Car!!

 Leader ship means having skin the game! Understand what is important to the survival of the nation. And it's not just ice cream cones and smart talk that sounds like a babbling mentally ill child given too much candy like the media portrays our fearless leader!! 

Joe is headed for the showers and Harris is wondering if she can hide long enough from the cameras and questions to escape having to take control.

I'm sure the puppet masters never envisioned seeing the collapse of their entire agenda this quickly. With the nation in total collapse, I wonder also what their next move will be? Declaring a national emergency and instituting nation wide Marsal Law where the army takes control seem likely if all else fails?

Believe the democraaats will  not give up power willingly! It's all they have!!

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