Friday, April 16, 2021

Why Is Color An Issue For democraaats? : Just Another Club They Use To Beat The Innocent!!!

 And this is how it works, the question we are asked, ''why don't we cherish our own people, why can't we all just get along? The answer from our betters is we just can't give up our racist attitude that seems to be everywhere!

Those in power demand we admit just how bad we all really are and submit our selves to the control of those that at the levers of power so we can be cleansed, washed clean of humanity that has survived for centuries in America, solving our problems with individual freedom that is guaranteed by our Constitution.

It works and has worked well since our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution was conceived as signed into law by our founding fathers in 1776 and 1789.

So why do we allow the criminals at the lever of power that now want to destory everything that has gone before, that so many have fought so hard to preserve?? 

We are not a racist nation!!!! America is still that shinning city on the hill. It's just many among us want to destory that city for their own greed for power and hate for everyone that is decent and innocent of wrong doing!

Who the hell are these people!!!

The innocent are the first to be attacked!

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