Monday, April 19, 2021

Gas Prices Skyrocket : Ol' Joe Hasn't Driven A Car In 50 years!

 ''We don't need an stable energy supply, we usually have a lot of sunshine and the wind blows almost very every day, right? So get rid of the coal fired energy sources and the natural gas plant are just more of the same. Besides we only use about 40-50% of our corn production for ethanol, so what's the big deal abut people starving?? I'm doin' great!!

''And hey, those dam pipe lines are a threat to the environment. The have to go! All of them. The middle east needs our money. And besides the Russian want to supply all of Europe with their fossil resources. That's fair isn't it?

''See, come on man, everyone is a winner except America, and that's a good thing. America has been on the winning side for too long and deserves to be the big loser now!''

Biden is a national security threat that is more dangerous then even the Russians or the Chinese for the survival of our country. And even if that isn't enough to know, his son Hunter told us Ol' Joe is getting paid by the Chinese along with the other members of the Biden family! The whole dam family getting rich!! Hunter Biden says ''The big guy'' get 10% off the top! 

Now that has to make everyone feel real secure! Always vote democraaat!!

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