Friday, April 23, 2021

Three Golfers Die Are In A Car Wreck : Saint Peter Explains The New Rules!

The golfers are under attack again. I wonder why it seems they are such easy targets much like lawyers!

Three golfers died in a car wreck and went to heaven and discovered the most beautiful golf course they have ever seen. St. Peter tells them that they are all welcome to play the course but that there is only one rule: "Don't hit the ducks."

The men all have blank expressions, and one of them asks, "The ducks?”

"Yes", St. Peter replies, "There are thousands of ducks walking around the course, and if one gets hit, he quacks, then the one next to him quacks and soon they're all quacking. It breaks the tranquility and if you hit a duck, you'll be punished.”

Upon entering the course, the men noticed that there were thousands of ducks everywhere. Within fifteen minutes the first guy hits a duck. The duck quacks, the one next to it quacked and soon there was a deafening roar of quacks.

St. Peter walked up with an extremely ugly woman and asks, "Who hit the duck? The first guy admits, "I did.” 
St. Peter immediately pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed the man to the very ugly woman.

"I told you not to hit the ducks,", he said. “Now you'll be handcuffed together for eternity.”

The other two men were very cautious but soon, one of them accidentally hits a duck. The quacks were as deafening as before, and within minutes St. Peter walked up with an even uglier woman and asks "Who hit the duck? The second guy admits, "I did.” St. Peter immediately pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed the man to the even uglier woman. 

 "I told you not to hit the ducks" he said. “Now you'll be handcuffed together for eternity.”

The third man was extremely careful. Some days he wouldn't even play for fear of hitting a duck. One day, St. Peter walked up to the third man and had with him a knock-out, gorgeous woman - the most beautiful woman in the world. St. Peter smiled at the third man and handcuffed him to the beautiful woman and walked off.

The third man, smiled and said "I wonder what I did to deserve this?” The woman responds, "I don't know about you, but I hit a duck."

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