Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Hospitals Are Jammed To Capacity With Wuhan? Really? : Of Course, Take My Word for It! Take The $$$$ And Run!

Fauci understands how it works in Washington after 37 years of heading the NIH as a progressives democraaat. He has shown how effective he is when he decided the country must be locked down for nothing more then the average cold!

(Remember, Trumps economy was roaring ahead at full stream and must be stopped if they, the democraaats were to win the election in November).

The good doctor Fauci understands the needs for hospital beds these days is different as many of those that need care but don't have any signs of The feared Wuhan ''thing'' (Biden) are rejected as they don't bring in a federal funds. 

They, hospitals, get big bucks for the Wuhan virus from the feds.  Thousands for deaths and more thousands for hospitalization, so why not scam the system? (They can even fudge a little with car crashes, gun shots, acne, athletes foot, bronchitis, chicken pox, heart disease, asthma and my favorite, black heads! - hehe)

So what's not to like, lets dance baby dance! Let the good times roll screwing the public!

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