Saturday, January 16, 2021

Churches Are Closed But Not Casinos : Their god is still your money!

 If you ever thought that the progressive socialsit Marxist democraaats ever would give up their idea of a ''one state ideology'' under their god of power and compliance, then you must be living in a different country or you have slipped into another dimension then the rest of us down here in the trenches.

That Christians could believe in a power that they can't see but yet believe that their God, Jesus Christ can and will direct them to a better life is understood by Marxist democraaats destructive to their government god of obedience will and must be destroyed.

No? Don't believe it? Their demands are being met by millions of citizens being ordered to stay away from churches and synagogues because of the Wuhan flu fraud that members gathering to worship will spread the disease. But not in casinos or while looting and burning cities?

The total destruction of our country is beginning. Who voted for this? Oh wait, most didn't vote for this, the porgressive Marxist democraaat stole the election and our leaders allowed to happen!!.

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