Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Hey, Things Have Been Bad Before Starting In 1900 : Living In Fear Is Okay Now, Things Could Be worse! (Video)

Here a video that is very subtle but very profound in how it's professes to tell us that being locked up and out of civil society as a way of life is okay, get use to it. Others had it bad too! Freedom is not all it's crapped up to be!!

I noticed from the drawings at the beginning of this video, the MAGA guy on the right is portrayed as a hysterically raving madman as opposed to  the other guy on the left as just an angry debater! What is the message here and what are they telling us about how we should be accepting the rules and regulations for those that have deemed themselves better suited to rule.

Well this is an interesting video on wars and there consequences of individuals seeking power for control. This video on wars and there destruction to the human condition historical. It's geat lessons is that which went before is extremely bad but we survive it. Learning to live with the ''New'' war on the Wuhan flu virus will be easy compared to all of our wars and market crashes.

Now learning to live in isolation from the rest of humanity should be easy. Living in fear of your neighbor won't be so bad once you get use to it and understand this is your new way of life. The new norm. Waiting to have others tell you when to breath is the new norm.

But as long as you understand that some people have their collective thumbs on the scales of justice now for the soul purpose is to get and keep the power for control. Just like those in the last century who went to war to take the power for control away from the people. And as we can witness from the November election and the January election, our greatest fear now is not only from those that want to destory us from the outside, now we have those among us as well that want to destory us from the inside.

The ruling powers in Washington signing 45 executive orders to destory our freedom to chose, and the very foundation on which our country as it was founded, our Constitution and the first 10 amendments including free speech, is believed to be no longer acceptable for or as the rule of law. 

The ruling powers demanding now that all opposition to their power must be reduced or eliminated by any means necessary.

The pandemic is no worse then any of the other 5 viruses that now inhabit our country. The Wuhan flu virus was and is just another tool used for control that forces people to hide from one another, to fear one another and in the worst cases calls authorities to report on their neighbors if they think they might be having independent thoughts! 

We are old enough to remember how this worked out starting in 1935 in Europe.

And from the drawings at the beginning of this video, the MAGA guy on the right is portrayed as a hysterically raving madman as opposed to  the other guy on the left as just an angry debater!

The author and producer of this video : [So you’re stuck in your house and cannot do much except watch Netflix? You are probably feeling a bit sorry for yourself and it seems like it may never end. For proper perspective on how your life compares to someone born in the early 1900s.]


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