Thursday, December 12, 2019

Saudi Shooting At Navial Air Station : Even After Fort Hood!!! Who Is Responsible!

Again, don't know who wrote this or if it is true, but given the problems we are having with the Saudi nation and it's attitude toward the Western nation's ideology of individual freedom that runs in opposition to the Saudi Muslim Wahabi hatred, it rings true.

Citizens are angry that our military and government appears to do nothing to make our bases safe. Isn't something wrong with that statement, our military bases aren't safe!!
And what is so despicable is after the Fort Hood Shooting were 13 died and 30 wounded, the powers that be still didn't make it clear to arm the troops on our bases!! This was in 2009 and yet, again people died but could have been saved if the base personal were armed!!!!!

Who ever is responsible for this total negligence, a clear dereliction of duty must be court marshalled and then jail at Fort Leavenworth.

Why Another Shooting On A Military Base?

Folks, I’m not surprised one teensy bit at the news of a Saudi flight student killing Americans. It was inevitable. I trained more Saudis pilots than I can actually remember. I never had one, NOT ONE, that didn’t treat me with total disdain. I don’t have the time or space to list all the outlandish things they did to screw with us. One POS actually told me that it was his duty to kill me. It got really bad just before the 911 attacks. For a brief time they were more civil but eventually became just as contemptuous as before.

I caught four of them cheating on an academic exam and reported it to the Saudi Allied Liaison Officer and the US Training Command. No action was taken. I had to give flight check-rides to them, and after the cheating episode, I made sure that they all passed (with flying colors). The worse they were with a maneuver, the higher grade they got. I wanted to make sure we sent the shittiest pilots we could back to their ranks and hopefully their lack of skill would rub-off onto their peers. I know of few, if any, American IP’s who put any real effort in training them – the ‘System” wouldn’t allow them to fail, so WTF! 

Rumor from the Liaison Office was that if a Saudi Student went back after failing flight school, he would be be-headed for disgracing Allah, his country and himself. That, in itself, was a crummy attempt to force the Americans to give max effort in training them, lest an unfortunate IP be left to feel that he contributed to the beheading of a ‘poor, forsaken Saudi student’.

It's a disgrace the way the US mollycoddles the Saudis. We need to just turn the whole region into sheet of glass and make it glow for a hundred years – and in the meantime, use the area as a giant global navigation beacon.

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