Monday, December 16, 2019

democrats Run Toward Destruction? : How Come? A Mental Breakdown?

But the question that remains is, why? They have to know the general public is living their personal success under the watchful eye of Donald Trump. Why commit political suicide? Is there a reason or are they truly out of control, unrelentingly insane with abject hate!?

Again, how come? Are they not citizens of the greatest nation on earth and owe their existence to that greatness, and yet they have unbounded hate for everything truly American? Individual freedom? Liberty? Prosperity with no end?

Remember the scenario of a ''Snapping Psychosis'' syndrome where and when an event evades the mind that is so completely a shock to a perceived and false truth, which subconsciously they know it's false, the 2016 election of Donald Trump, that the person is mentally, totally disabled by it, and then later emerges from the break-down as a different person entirely.

Little else can be assumed as we don't have any rock solid proof that these people are diffidently different then they were back in 2016 before the election. Or maybe we just thought they were different but were this way all along and only now they are showing us who they really are due to this mental disease of 'snapping'.

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