Friday, November 01, 2019

Hillary Clinton Knows The Voter Base : She Knows How To Use Stupid!

Nothing has change since 2005. And it's not just Hillary, just look at
 the entire field of democrat candidates for president to understand the
meaning of stupid and dangerous.
It's an ideology! It's a way of life!It's an agenda and a force multiplier when any democrat runs for office. They can rely on the fact the democrat voters will always do what they are told.

The leadership knows their voter base. The democrat voter is incapable of independent thought.

It's the rest of the voters that have to be convinced they won't get screwed if they vote for a criminal even when those vicious criminals have screwed the voters for generations!!!

Come on people, save your selves and the country, don't ever vote democrat again! EVER! It is about self preservation.

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