Friday, November 15, 2019

democrats Crash And Burn While the Nation Looks On In Horror!(Video)

Here is a short video that explains what's going on with the depraved impeachment of Donald Trump by the progressive socialist liberal democrats. They have convinced the rest of the democrats to join in this atrocious debacle. 

But when, in reality, all of the membership joins in to make it work, their stupid plan is brought to light how it works, or doesn't, it winds up being a total run-a-way, out of control disaster while the membership watches helplessly it implode, tumbles end over end, and crashes into nothingness.

The membership reels in fear of 2020 election chances went into the dumpster! 

For the democrats seeking to destory Donald Trump and their hatred for nation, everyone see them as just another day, another failure on top of another failure.

Who in corndog hell will want to vote for these bad people?

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