Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ilhan Omar's Demand For Obedience : Western Civilization Is Destructive!

Ilhan Omar is a believer. She demands obedience and 
absolute capitulation!
What this author is saying here is Ilhan is ignorant of facts on the subject of Western civilization is why she believe America and other civilized societies are the problem in the world.

 But in reality, Ilhan Omar is a Muslim terrorist and believes Western societies must be destroyed to fulfil the dictates of the Coran, the Muslim demands to gain a religious conclusion to their fight for world domination.

It just seem odd that so many among us aren't able to address the real issues. This isn't about education, this only about ideology and how Omar will do what ever she can to destroy civil society as it is founded on individual freedom and liberty.

While we have the freedom to chose, the terror will be kept a bay, but once that is gone as many citizens believe is okay, then what is left is only chaos and conflict. (And by the why isn't she in jail for the crimes she has committed?)

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Chilling Ignorance of History
Lee Edwards /

How can one person get so much wrong in one sentence? I refer to Rep. Ilhan Omar, the neo-socialist Democrat, who endorsed presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders with these words: “I am beyond honored and excited for a president who will fight against Western imperialism and fight for a just world.”

“Western imperialism”? Wrong. Omar should know that the real imperialism of our age comes from the East.

Communist China brutally suppressed the Buddhist religion and people of Tibet, killing thousands of monks and destroying hundreds of temples. The Chinese imperialists have placed an estimated 1 million Uighurs (her Muslim co-religionists) in reeducation camps. In 1989, the Chinese imperialists murdered hundreds of Chinese students who were demonstrating in Tiananmen Square for a more “just world.”

The imperialist regime in Beijing has also warned the pro-freedom demonstrators in Hong Kong not to try their patience and directed the democratically elected leaders of Taiwan to stop talking about independence from mainland China.

What about “Russian imperialism”? The Putin regime seized the Crimean Peninsula, occupied two provinces of its neighbor Georgia, and initiated a conflict with Ukraine. It has also stepped up its military activities off the coasts of Estonia and the other Baltic states.

Let’s not forget its forerunner, “Soviet imperialism.” Following World War II, the Kremlin lowered an Iron Curtain that turned 100 million people in Eastern and Central Europe into vassals of the Soviet empire for four decades.

In stark contrast, after World War II, the United States did not try to transform Germany and Japan into its colonies—as past conquerors did—but set about restoring the economic strength and political independence of the nations it had defeated.

As the political analyst Tom Rogan pointed out, Western imperialism died with the Suez Crisis of 1956. And who forced Great Britain and France to abandon their colonial attempt to control the Suez Canal? The United States.

Omar should pick up a good history book—say “Modern Times” by Paul Johnson—and find out the facts about the different kinds of imperialism in the 20th century. She will learn that the United States has resisted imperialism in all its forms—from Soviet to Chinese to Iraqi (remember the invasion of Kuwait?) to Russian.

She will learn that the United States led the effort to create a more just and peaceful world through defensive alliances such as NATO, economic arrangements such as Bretton Woods, strategic plans such as the Truman Doctrine, and national sacrifices such as the Korean War, which saved South Korea from North Korean tyranny and imperialism.

She will learn that in pursuit of their goal to communize the world, the Soviet Union and its comrades were responsible for the deaths of 100 million victims. They used show trials and firing squads, the Gulag and forced famine, and other deadly means to satisfy their imperialist lust.

Again in contrast, the United States and its Western allies stopped and then erased Soviet imperialism through a variety of strategic, military, economic, and psychological measures.

Today’s world would be a far different place if the U.S had not waged and won—at the cost of tens of thousands of lives and many billions of dollars—the Cold War, a war made necessary by the imperialist ambitions of the Soviet Union and its minions.

The truth about Soviet imperialism, the deadliest imperialism of the 20th century, is that it was born in Moscow; nurtured in Beijing, Havana, Hanoi, and other communist capitals; and suffered its demise when confronted by Ronald Reagan, a U.S. president who summed up his winning strategy with four little words: “We win, they lose.”

Originally published on Fox News.

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